Regular Y-shape


Regular Y-shape

Two branches in opposite directions, diagonally upwards


More about this Location


Full Name: Y shaped double cord

Popular name:

Y shape


V shape

Historical Name:  

Alternative Name: 

double cord in Y shape
2-sided angled cord
Y-shaped cord
V-shaped cord
Y-shaped cordon
V-shaped cordon
fork shape

Spelling variations:
V-shaped double cord
Tags: basic shape, 2-sided cord


A Double Cord in which both framework branches are guided at an angle of 45°;
one framework branch to the left, the other to the right.


  • 2 framework branches (by means of a T-junction)
  • framework branches are guided upwards at an slanting position (45° to 60°) and
    grow in opposite directions
  • fruiting wood is grown close to the framework branch

For additional information see main article: Schuin Dubbel Cord.


Reasonably easy to grow; easy to maintain.

The Y-shape is usually used as a component of a Belgian Fence.

For additional information see main article: Schoin Dubbel Cord.


Derived Variants with Multiple Branches

Double Y shape side by side no. 1

Two Y shapes next to each other,
with triangular shape in center

Double Y shape side by side no. 2

Two Y shapes next to each other,
with diamond shape in center

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