
Regular U Shape

Two framework branches guided in a U shape


Full Name: Single U shape

Popular Name:

(normal) U shape



Shape’Tuning Fork

Historicial Name:  

single U shape,
upright double cord,
upright double cord,
perpendicular double cord

Alternative Name: 

vertical double cord,
U-shaped double cord,

Spelling variations:
Synonym: regular U shape, double vertical cord, regular U shape.
Tag: basic shape.


Spelling variations:
Synonym: regular U shape, double vertical cord, regular U shape.
Tag: basic shape.


This espalier shape is suitable for all types of fruit trees.

The U shape is quite difficult in the cultivation phase, but easy to maintain.

The U shape / Double Cord is ideally suited for those who want to grow productive trees in a short time.
This espalier shape was used a lot in the past.

Some growers choose to keep the horizontal parts ‘bare’, because they naturally bear less fruit and it takes relatively more work to grow fruit on them. Such growers prune the shoots on the horizontal parts completely at a young stage, with a flat cut.

The T-junction of the framework branches may occur at a height of approx. 35 cm (at 45 cm for peach).

You can also buy this espalier shape ready-made.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-thumbs-up” color=”#009900″ type=”fa”] For additional information see main article: Verticaal Dubbel Cord.

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